Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monospaced Programming Fonts

Anonymous 12 - serifs... meh
Anonymous Pro 14 - serifs... meh
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 12 - almost identical to DejaVu Sans Mono
Consolas 14 - fuzzy
Courier New - looks dated compared to others
DejaVu Sans Mono 12 - almost identical to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Droid Sans Mono 12 - a bit more bold than DejaVu Sans Mono or Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Inconsolata 14 - fuzzy
Lucida Console 14 - big and bold - size 12 is yuck
Monaco 12 - not a fan
Terminus - horrible, uninstalled

size 10 = 120 chars wide - Perfect! That's where I line break.
size 12 = 98 chars wide
size 14 = 88 chars wide

I've settled on Droid Sans Mono 12 10 for now.

Any others I'm missing?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Compiling Android Froyo for HTC's EVO4

This is a WIP.
  1. Grab the latest source code from http://developer.htc.com/ - As of this writing, the latest is http://member.america.htc.com/download/RomCode/Source_and_Binaries/supersonic-
  2. Download the Android NDK (not a typo) from http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html - As of this writing, the latest for Linux is http://dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r4b-linux-x86.zip
  3. Extract both archives, set env vars as convenient
  4. Add android-ndk-r4b/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin to your $PATH
  5. export ARCH=arm
  6. export PLATFORM=supersonic
  7. supersonic- supersonic_defconfig
  8. supersonic-
eric@fender:~/supersonic-$ ls -l vmlinux
-rwxr-xr-x 1 eric eric 54552672 2010-08-11 21:48 vmlinux

Similar instructions should work for other Android phones, but YYMV.

Now to apply the AAC patch and remove those crappy Sprint apps.